Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fun Run!

This past Sunday, Ruedi and I participated in an Executive 5-K Fun Run! We aren't entirely sure the background, just that he got an e-mail from his company gathering employees and their families to participate so they could win the 'cup' awarded to the company with the most involved.

When we signed up in August, we had anticipated that Ruedi would be adding some running into his routine, but his PT nixed that a few weeks back. His ankle just isn't strong enough yet. Soon! He walked and I 'ran'! It was a great first-5k for me. Not sure how I feel about the competition side of things (I HATE getting beat! Especially when I already know I am not real good! I'm my own worst competition!). We'll see about finding some other events as Ruedi is getting back into running. Luckily, the running community around these parts is VERY active and there seems to be races every weekend!

Imagine about 200 other folks sporting these lovely chartruese shirts ...

Fun-run indeed!